Grounded in Partnership.
Propelled by Experience.

Southern Aluminum CEO Allison Schultz with Scott Rivard, Scott VandeKerkhoff, and Kacy Yuhas of Saw Mill

Climate Pros founder Todd Ernest and Curtis Czemeres, CEO and Board Member of Industrial Refrigeration Pros, with Tim Nelson of Saw Mill.

Rasa Floors President Brad M. Rasa with Ray Wang and Travis Foltz of Saw Mill.

Let’s Pave President & CEO Mike Rosen, CFO Joe Buvel, and Board Member Maureen Ehrenberg with Saw Mill’s Scott VandeKerkhoff and Daniel Gregg.
Private Equity Partners to Lower Middle Market Businesses
Focused on Long-Term Growth
Founded in 1997, Saw Mill Capital is a lower middle-market private equity firm based in the suburbs of New York.
We are growth-focused partners with a long-term mindset to build enduring value and preserve legacy in the businesses in which we invest.
20+ years of average
senior team tenure
27 platform
30 active independent
board directors

Climate Pros Founder Todd Ernest, CFO Patty Burkland, and Board Member Larry Wash with Saw Mill’s Howard Unger and Tim Nelson.
Partnership with Exceptional Leaders
Building Stronger Businesses
We partner with ambitious and experienced management teams to invest in building leading enterprises.
Experienced, Diverse, and
Experienced Team
Our team is diverse in experience and skill, but united in values and mission.